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I've been diving into the game, and I'm loving how the mechanics flow. Personally, I'm not super into settings that are too tied to mechanics, but hey, that's just me. I tend to tweak the setting a bit to match what I like. Despite that, I've been having a blast with it. It's hitting that sweet spot for me in-between of narrative and mechanics that I've been looking for.


Thank you for your feedback! I was hoping to make the rule system a little bit more open-ended and use common archetypes so that people could fit the game into their playstyle, I will read the system carefully again while keeping your comments in mind. 

ps. I have also been dabbling with this kind of "Classic Fantasy" supplement that would provide classic fantasy kin like elves, orcs, humans and halflings. The supplement would also include some tips on how to convert monsters from OSR into HotWT.

Whenever I get to it I will probably publish it here for free or just make an appendix out of it into the book. No promises on tight deadline thou I really have my hands full still with the game itself. :D


Yeah, since it is still in beta I still do, as you suggested, end up using some additional tables from other sources to supplement generation when I need more details, yet I try to play it with your oracles in focus.

Also, that's awesome to hear! But yeah, focusing in finishing the system itself should take priority, haha. Good luck!


Thank you for taking the time to check the game out! I really appreciate it.


Oh, btw there is a little typo in the RULES SUMMARY.pdf file.

I think you meant "vast cave systems" not "wast cavesystems".


Thank you for notifying me! I will fix it in future updates!


Looks interesting!. But at the moment the BETA0.1.5 RULES SUMMARY.pdf file has 0 bytes and is empty and unopenable. Just fyi ...

(1 edit)

Thank you for notifying me! I Will fix it right away.

Edit: For some reason the upload had just been corrupted, but it should be fixed now!


Looks great! Especially liked the role-specific advancement lists: lots of customization choices for different kinds of playstyles, and the roles stand out in their own area of expertise. 

Thank you for the positive feedback! Let me know if you have any questions or additional critique.


This looks cool! If I have something interesting to say about it, I'll make a video on the Dungeon Dive YT channel.

Thank you, Daniel! I'm a fan of your channel and a fellow (starting) creator as well. 

If you have any questions or thoughts please send them in my way.  I am grateful and keen on hearing any possible critique or feedback you have. 

I know some wordings in the book are not quite there yet but I'll keep working on it! 
